Sermon Recap — November 27, 2022

Sermon Recap

Heartily As Unto the Lord

Jeremy Bell
Colossians 3:23-24
November 27, 2022
Sermon Recap PDF


I. Working Heartily is God’s Good Design

“The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.” — Genesis 2:15

  • God’s good intention for Adam, before the introduction of sin in the world, was that Adam work.
  • God intended Adam’s work to be rewarding, fulfilling and fruit bearing.
  • Our Creator works; we work as well! This is God’s good design.
  • Work is a gift from God – its not a result of the curse.
  • Now its true that the curse did make work more tedious, more challenging — “thorns and thistles” now grow (Gen. 3:18). By the sweat of our brow will we eat our food.
  • Fundamentally, by God’s design, work is good God intends for us to take joy in our work, as much as we possibly can!
  • Producing creative, thoughtful, excellent work is God’s design for His people!
  • In the home and the marketplace, work is God’s good design.

“My Father is working until now, and I am working.” — John 5:17

“Everything we do, from morning till night, is to be done in a Godward way, before His face, in reliance on His grace, guided by His will, aiming to make Him look magnificent and glorious as our all-satisfying treasure. That’s what work is for. That’s what all of life is for.” — John Piper

II. Working Heartily Keeps Christ at the Center

  • We work “For the Lord, not for men” – meaning He is the object and focus of our work.
  • If the Lord is the object and focus of our work, its going to keep Him at the center of our hearts. We’ll be motivated to work for Him!
  • We will be reminded that we work not ultimately for ourselves, we work for Him — “You are serving the Lord Christ” – v.24

III. Working Heartily Prepares Us For Eternity

“Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter the joy of the Lord.” — Matthew 25:23

“Since work began before sin and the curse, and since God, who is without sin, is a worker, we should assume that human beings will work on the New Earth. We should assume we’ll be able to resume the work started by Adam and Eve, exercising godly dominion over the earth, ruling it for God’s glory.” — Randy Alcorn

“What kind of work will you do in heaven? Maybe you’ll build a cabinet with Joseph of Nazareth. Or with Jesus. Maybe you’ll tend sheep with David, discuss medicine with Luke…design a new tent with Paul or Priscilla, write a song with Isaac Watts, ride horses with John Wesley, or sing with Keith Green. Maybe you’ll write a theology of the Trinity, bouncing your thoughts off Paul, John, Polycarp…Augustine, Calvin, Wesley…and even Jesus. Our work will be joyful and fulfilling, giving glory to God.” — Randy Alcorn

Questions for Discussion/Application

  • Re-read the text, Colossians 3:23-24. What initial insights and observations do you have from reading this passage?
  • Generally speaking, how would you describe the attitude of the culture as it relates to work?
  • How is a biblical view of work distinct and different from a cultural perspective on work? Compare and contrast the two.
  • In what ways can you, and can we be vulnerable to adopting more of a worldly attitude towards work than a biblical one?
  • In what ways has our enjoyment of work been marred by the fall?
  • What do you imagine work will be like in heaven?
  • How do you want to grow or change personally when it comes to your attitude towards work?
  • Consider taking time to pray, asking God that He will help us to glorify him in our work.

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