Portrait of a Faithful Mother
Jeremy Bell
Luke 1:39-55
May 10, 2020
Sermon Audio & Video
- Because of Mary’s extraordinary calling as the mother of Jesus, some over the course of history have venerated Mary in an idolatrous way.
- While we don’t want to venerate Mary, she is worthy of honor and her godly character is worthy of emulation.
- In this message, we consider four aspects of her character.
I. A Woman of Believing Faith
Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord (verse 45).
I am the Lord’s servant – let it be to me as you have said (verse 38).
- When God spoke, God granted Mary the faith to believe it — and believe it against all odds.
- Her faith demonstrated a fundamental belief in the Lord.
- Where God promises, He also grants faith to believe.
- Faith to trust His promise to be with them
- Faith to believe that what He has given is good
- Even when what’s in front of their eyes does not appear to be very good, God enables mothers to walk by faith, not by sight.
- That faith takes many different forms.
II. A Woman of Earnest Worship
And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior (Luke 1:46–47)
- Mary knew she needed a Savior.
- Though she was carrying the Son of God, Mary recognized her own poverty of spirit. She knew of her own need – she needed a Savior just like everyone else
- This Jesus that she bore would lead a perfect life, and offer up his life to atone for the sins of people like her.
- She rejoices in God her Savior! She submits to her Savior in believing faith, and she earnestly worships her Lord.
III. A Woman of Meek Humility
for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name. (Luke 1:48–49)
- Being lowly of heart, she rejoiced in her humble position as she gave thanks for God’s merciful condescension.
- “he who is mighty” – This term alludes not only to God’s power, but also His ability to act.
- What God has promised, even though it may seem impossible, is possible.
- God has and will exercise His power on her behalf.
- This term also alludes to a picture of God as OT Warrior King – One who will fight on behalf of His people, and will deliver them!
- Mary is speaking in humble trust of her warrior King who keeps His promises and fights for her.
- To Moms:
- You are not alone
- You have the same God fighting for you
- He who is mighty has done great things, and will continue to do great things for you/
- You can entrust yourselves to the One who is mighty and able to do what seems impossible right now
III. A Woman of Informed Conviction
And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts; he has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate; he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty. He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his offspring forever.” (Luke 1:50–55)
- Mary is a woman of informed conviction when she speaks. It almost sounds in these verses that Mary is quoting scripture. But she’s not quoting scripture. she is so well versed in the Scriptures that when breaks into song, the overflow of her heart sounds an awful lot like scripture
- Knowing her Lord and His Word, deep and settled conviction informed by the Word, had settled in her heart.
- She knew of God’s mercy (verse 50).
- She knew of God’s sovereignty (verses 51-52a).
- She knew of God’s inclination to the lowly (verse 52b-53).
- She knew of God’s faithfulness (verses 54-55).
- Knowing God and his Word positions us to trust — “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your Word (verse 38).”
- Mothers, as you worship your Lord, walk with your Lord, you have no idea how much your godly influence can bear in the lives of those around you
- Consider Eunice, and Lois, the mother and grandmother of Timothy
I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well (2 Timothy 1:5).
- These women in Timothy’s life had tremendous influence. They taught their son/grandson the scriptures.Their influence was deep – it was long-lasting.
- Mothers – Don’t ever give up hope in the Lord as you disciple your children. Fix your eyes on Jesus. Look at Him! Entrust yourselves to Him. As Mary was reminded – “Nothing is too difficult for God.”
- Look to your Savior today.
Questions For Discussion/Application:
- Re-read the text, Luke 1:39-55. What aspects of Mary’s character are worthy of honor and emulation?
- What aspects of your own mother’s care and example do you most appreciate? Consider taking time to thank God for the gift of your mother. Consider also taking time to specifically encourage your mother with the evidences of God’s grace you see in her life. Husbands/fathers consider taking time to lead your children in a time of honoring their mother, identifying what they are most thankful for about her.