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Acts 8:4 Initiative

Local Community Outreach

The Acts 8:4 outreach initiative has been created as a way to encourage member-initiated evangelism and outreach throughout our local community. Acts 8:4 tells,” Now those who were scattered went about preaching the word.” It was the regular church members that were scattered about, and these members were eagerly preaching the word wherever they went!

Our desire is to do the same. To gather together for the preached word of God, and then scatter, taking the word with us. To take the gospel into our local businesses, homes, developments, schools, and workplaces. The Acts 8:4 outreach initiative unleashes the resources of the church into the hands of our members – to support the work of proclaiming the gospel and reaching out with the love and mercy of Jesus Christ.

How it works

Funds have been set aside into the Acts 8:4 outreach initiative designated solely to cover member-driven outreach ideas. Any member of Grace can submit a proposal, requesting a grant of up to $1,000. Care Group leaders and Ministry Team leaders can also apply for grants towards group-related outreaches.

What can I do?

Think of nearby service, mercy, and evangelism opportunities. Below are some ideas for the Acts 8:4 outreach initiative:

  • Food or water bottles to give-away downtown or at a red-light
  • Service-project supplies (wood, drywall, cement, etc.)
  • Evangelistic books and literature
  • Reserving a church booth for Grace at your town’s annual festival
  • Glow necklaces to give out at a fireworks show or high school football game
  • Paperback Bibles to give out through your campus ministry
  • Starting a home-based outreach to other moms or kids in your development
  • Giving out Gatorade at a soccer game
  • Carnations to give out at a Nursing Home on Mother’s Day
  • Evangelistic Bible study materials to host at your home or workplace, like
  • Simply Christianity
  • The God Who Saves
  • Christianity Explored
  • Wet-naps and mints or gum to give out at a restaurant festival
  • Gospel Tracts
  • You can also contact the church office for more information.

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